Let’s do this well together!
“Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun.” 2 Corinthians Chapter 5 verse 7
I recall my mother telling me that one of the slogans of the Second World War was ‘Make do and mend.’ That’s probably why her generation were very loathe to throw things away just because they were a bit unfashionable or getting worn looking. If the item was still functioning, appearance didn’t matter. If it needed a repair, then that’s what was done. My parents always maintained that in their day, things were made to last, whereas we have become used to having the latest model, the newest style, whether in our clothes or mobile phones or kitchen design. Often it’s almost as cheap to buy a new item as have the old one repaired. Updating and upgrading have been the prevailing trend……..until now!
As manufacturing industries across the globe shut down or reconfigure their production lines to make items the world needs right now, there won’t be the same supply of ‘latest’ and ‘up to the minute’ items. Are we ready to make do and mend? Recycling, upcycling, repurposing or whatever the latest term is, was becoming a trend in the last couple of years, but now it will be pushed to the forefront of our minds. Just think of the benefits; fewer items going to landfill; testing our ingenuity and creativity; saving us money!
So if you’re looking for things to do as you cocoon, why not trawl the house for things you were considering throwing away and have a think about how they might be repaired, improved, refurbished or, if you’re really ingenious, stripped apart and made it into something completely different!
Grandma’s Spoons jewellery is based on the concept of making something completely different from old cutlery, so who knows, you may end up with a new business idea!