A new creation
“ Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life has gone; a new life has begun.” 2 Corinthians ch 5 v 17.
Today, I decided to remake a fork pendant. Originally, I had shaped the fork tines, (or prongs), into a sort of Celtic knot, but I was never totally happy with the result. I decided that instead, I would use the tines to set a lovely piece of dichroic glass which a friend makes for me. But the first task was to untangle the Celtic knot and that required annealing the fork.
Annealing is the process of heating and cooling the silver so that it can be worked. I’ve often thought that the process of annealing silver is rather like the process God needs to use on us to help us become malleable so that He can mould us into a new shape…a new being. The submission to God’s will requires us to loose our rigidity and stubbornness rather as I require the silver to bend to the shape I desire it to be.
This fork proved to be very resistant to changing shape, and I ended up annealing it three times before I managed to unpick the knot.
Some of us are very resistant to God’s call, and He has to bring us to the place of submission many times before we relinquish our stubborn will and let Him make us a new creation in Christ.