Let’s do this well!
Today, we made lists! Do you remember when you had to study for exams? Most of us started with making a study timetable, sharpening our pencils, tidying our folders, and labelling things neatly…..we did everything we could to avoid actually starting to study!
It would be all too easy to let the coming weeks slip by aimlessly, but we have an opportunity to do something which takes time we don’t normally have without interruptions. That’s where lists come in.
Mine has things such as, sort through old photographs and get them into some sort of order; go through cupboards and be merciless with clutter; put up pictures still in boxes from when we last moved house; sort through files of old receipts and throw out all the car insurance certificates from the last twenty years! And of course, set up a website for Grandma’s Spoons.
Clive’s list comprises tidy the garden shed and get on with the spring tidy up of the garden once there’s a dry day! To be fair, he didn’t make his own list…..I did that for him!
The main thing with lists is they create a sense of order and being in control and it’s a great feeling to tick off the things we achieve. But lists shouldn’t just have tasks on them. There can be pleasurable things like read new books; watch a whole series of Pride and Prejudice in one go ( Colin Firth was the best Mr D’Arcy ever in my opinion)'; listen to old pop songs from your youth ( they’ll be there somewhere on the internet); find a Youtube video on how to cha-cha ( always assuming you aren’t already a Latin dance expert).
The main thing is to achieve a good balance of things, so that you progress through the weeks ahead and at the end you can look back and see fulfilled goals. But don’t forget that we are all advised to rest as well, because that helps us fight the dreaded virus and lots of other viruses too no doubt.
The other reason why it is important for our age group to stay positive and occupied, is because it relieves the stress on our younger family members. They have so much stress because of the COVID-19 crisis. We only have to take a trawl through Facebook to see how many people are posting about not just health worries, but about finances, mortgages, getting food, keeping children safe and occupied when the schools shut……and concerns about elderly family members. The very least we can do is try to take that pressure from them. I saw some very worrying comments from self - employed people who are worrying about income and was reminded that most of us who are retired receive State Pension and possibly a private pension as well, so we are very blessed not to be worrying about falling sales and having our working hours cut.
There is an old hymn which tells us to ‘Count your blessings’ and that’s a positive thing each of us should do every day. You could even make a list of blessings as well as your ‘things to do’ list!
The Bible verse for you today is from Matthew Chapter 7 and verse 7 and it reminds us that God is always listening when we want to speak to him.
‘Keep on asking and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking and you will find. Keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you.