Let’s do this well, together!
“ Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, You are with me” Psalm 23
Most people who are over sixty will know a line or two of the 23rd Psalm and many people will know the Psalm off by heart. “The Lord is my Shepherd” appears on many headstones for example. Now, it may seem that I’m starting off in a very gloomy way today, but bear with me! The psalms are poetry, where sometimes the writer cries out to God in despair, pours out their heart and all their troubles, but also the psalms are full of joy and thanks and praise to God for His mercy and love.
I was moved to have a go at writing my own psalms at a time of my life when I was grieving the death of my dad, and the very act of putting my thoughts on paper, loosely following the format of a psalm, was comforting. I read Psalm 61 where King David says “ O God, listen to my cry! From the ends of the earth I cry to you for help when my heart is overwhelmed”. I was feeling that my heart was overwhelmed at that time , so I decided to follow David’s example and here is the result. Many of you may be feeling down at this time and wondering about what lies ahead. Sometimes we need to be comforted and soothed, and that need is the basis of what I wrote. I would like to share my Psalm with you today.
“Oh Lord, be my comfort food, my rice pudding with jam, my chicken soup, my hot chocolate with marshmallows and cream.
When I’m down and depressed, too tired to weep, too weary to sleep, hug me, feed me and sing songs of love over me until I rest in you. Replenish my strength and my spirit, till I feel ready to face life again,
But meantime feed me with your love. “
And here is a another verse for you today to encourage you that the Lord can and will provide you with all the strength you need to weather the storm. You only have to ask. He loves you!
“The Lord will take delight in you with gladness. With His love He will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.” Zephaniah Chapter 3 verse 17