New Creations NI

‘If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation’
2 Corinthians 5:17

This verse is the inspiration for our new website. When we let Jesus into our lives, we become new in outlook, behaviour, values, relationships with others and in every way, we not just restored or refreshed, but made NEW!

Those of us selling on the New Creations NI website have experienced becoming new creations in Jesus and also, as artists and artisan crafters we bring to you our artistic creations and the profit each of us makes will go towards supporting a range of Christian ventures.
Some of use will be giving to our local church and others to specific projects and missions.

We are all based in N. Ireland and everything we sell is handmade. Some of the pieces we sell are general items like jewellery or fashion accessories, while some are overtly Christian such as home decor items with Bible verses.

We hope you like the website and would love your feedback as we develop. You will also find us on Facebook as New Creations NI.


Two dresses


New ventures!