Let’s do this well, together!
“God gives a garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness” Paraphrased from Isaiah 61 v 3
The Bible verse for today is really only a phrase from a very long verse describing how God lifts our spirits when we are low. I’m really drawn to that idea of praising even when things aren’t going well. The power of singing to benefit our state of mind is what has brought about so many community choirs all over the country. You don’t even need to be a very good singer, because it is the act of singing which lifts your own spirits and if the sound is relatively pleasant, it may indeed lift the spirits of those who listen!
In this little bit of a verse, Christians are told that to sing hymns and worship songs, will dispel the gloom, but you can still sing even if you are not singing Christian songs. Any sort of song will do, even a ‘la-la’ of your favourite melody.
My very talented stepson Joel Williams, who is studying opera in Valencia, has been putting on a short performance from his balcony, every evening at 8 pm when the nation stops what it’s doing and applauds the doctors, nurses, pharmacists, delivery drivers and all the people helping Spain to come through the crisis. His neighbours seem to really appreciate his efforts and since I posted a clip of him singing on Grandma’s Spoons Facebook page, lots of my followers are saying how it has lifted their spirits to hear him.
You and I may not have Joel’s talent, but we can sing to celebrate that we have a voice, that we have air in our lungs when others are struggling to get a breath. Put on your ‘garment of praise’ and see how your mood changes for the better.