
When I decided to restart my blog, I resolved not to be driven by the need to meet a deadline, albeit set by me! It was not to be the case that a blog post would have to be written every Monday, but instead, the posts would be generated only when the Holy Spirit gave me something to say.

Nevertheless, I found myself in the past week, coming up with numerous ideas for a post but no clear reason for any of them.  Then today it dawned on me that the Holy Spirit was teaching me a valuable lesson, namely that I must learn to WAIT.  And waiting doesn’t come naturally to me. Once an idea comes into my head, I want to get on with plans and actions, but if I am to be totally honest with myself, often, a period of waiting and deliberating might have been a good idea, before I launched myself into some scheme or other which petered out into nothing!

It says in Isaiah 40 verse 31

“ They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not grow weary; they shall walk and not faint.”

When enthusiasm for a project gets us setting our own deadlines and objectives, it is good to take a step back and wait for God to show what he thinks of our plans.  It may be that the project is in His will for us, but the timing may be wrong. Perhaps He is making us wait because we are not yet ready in knowledge or resources.

I find the words from Isaiah very reassuring because God is telling me that the waiting will be worth it. I will be refreshed and my energy restored so that when the time is right, I will have the physical, mental and spiritual strength required to carry out His will.

Sometimes, we need to BE rather than to DO, and that meets with God’s approval.
